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Launching and Sustaining a Solution

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Finally, your work is almost complete. You have installed and configured your new business solution, now the work that remains is moving users into the new solution, training them how to leverage it in the course of their work, and sustaining your new technology in order to ensure your Return on Investment.

Roll Out and Training Users

Just like the implementation and installation of the technology, planning is required for properly executed deployment and training. A successful installation will not result in a successful implementation if users cannot leverage the new technology fully, and each user will interact with the solution differently based on their role in the organization.

To establish an effective training system, review the information that surfaced during the Decisions and Installation phases of the implementation regarding the responsibilities of the users within the process the new solution is enhancing. From this material, you can develop a "How do I..." training model for each user role.

Key questions to consider during the Going Live phase include:

  • Should all users be trained at the same time, or just a core group which can serve as trainers to others?
  • What needs to be done prior to the widespread release of the solution?
  • What is the communication plan for this implementation?
  • Who do individuals in my organizations go to for help with this implementation?

Sustaining Success

At this point your implementation is complete, and since it was accomplished with careful forethought and planning, it was a tremendous success!

Moving forward, the issues facing you are the management of questions about the solution, tracking and maintaining its performance, and determining what to do with databases made extraneous by the implementation.

Key questions to consider as the implementation wraps up include:

  • What will I do with the old data? If it should be stored or archived, how will that be accomplished and who is responsible for making it happen?
  • Who, within the organization, will support questions about the solution be filtered through?
  • Moving forward, will new functions and capabilities be demanded of the solution? How will they be implemented?

A comic about software installation

View a larger version of our business solution installation comic.